Q. You said the film is rated R. If so, why is that, and would it be appropriate for me as a Christian or my children?
(A) The film does contain scenes of graphic violence. The film is violent because the scourging and crucifixion of Jesus was violent. It is up to each person's personal convictions whether or not they should see this film. As a parent, we recommend seeing the film first and then make your own decision as to whether or not your children will be able to handle and understand what they are seeing. The film is not suggested for children under 13.
Q. Can you tell me more about Maia Morgernsten, the actress who plays Mary?
(A)Maia Morgenstern was born in 1962 in Bucharest, Romania. She was awarded the "FELIX" Prize for Best Actress of the Year in 1993. Mel Gibson was interested in her after seeing her play St. Edith Stein in a 1995 Romanian film known in English as "The Seventh Room."
Q. I heard you could get free posters and postcards to help promote the movie. Is this true?
(A) Yes. You can get posters, postcards, door-hangers, buckslips, and more! Click here to find out more.