Statistical Analysis of Interest in Mel Gibson's "The Passion of The Christ"
Last Updated: October 12, 2003
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The following analysis is based on the data supplied by visitors of the fan website who expressed interest in seeing "The Passion of The Christ".
Top 10 Countries of Support
- United States
- Canada
- The Netherlands
- Australia
- Poland
- France
- Mexico
- Spain
- Argentina
- Germany
U.S. MAP of General Areas of Interest (based on zip code information)

Top 10 U.S. States
1. California
2. Texas
3. Florida
4. Georgia
5. Illinois
6. New York
7. North Carolina
8. Ohio
9. Pennsylvania
10. Virginia
Concentration Areas of Interest by County (as of September 20, 2003)

Concentration Areas of Interest by County (as of October 12, 2003)

Top U.S. Counties
- Los Angeles, CA
- Harris, TX
- Orange, CA
- Dallas, TX
- Maricopa, AZ
- San Diego, CA
- Cook, IL
- Tarrant, TX
- Riverside, CA
- Dade, FL
Counties shown in red will have a higher likelihood that "The Passion of The Christ" will be shown in theaters in that area. Promote "The Passion of The Christ" and get people in your area to support the film to make sure your county becomes an area of high interest!